Northeast Campus
- School Schedules
- About our Northeast Campus
- Highline Northeast School Compact
- School Supply List
- Uniform Information
- Medication at School
- Discipline Policy
- FAQ For Families
- 24-25 Black Excellence Plan
- School Bus Schedule
- Newsletters
- After School EnREACHment
- Before & After School Care
- Gifted and Talented Program
- Special Education Information
- Volunteer
- Title IX Information
School Schedules
19451 East Maxwell Place
Denver, CO 80249
P: (720) 485-5172
School Schedules:
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 3:30pm
Fridays: 8am - 1:30pm
Full Day ECE4
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 3:30pm
Fridays: 8am - 12:30pm
Model 1 Half-Day ECE
AM Program Monday - Thursday: 8am - 11am
PM Program Monday - Thursday: 12:30pm-3:30pm
Fridays: No School
About our Northeast Campus
Highline Academy Northeast opened August 2014 and is a preschool (ECE) through 5th grade charter school located in the Green Valley Ranch community of Northeast Denver.
Our Northeast campus is recognized as a top performing DPS school for multi-language learners, with students growing in their competency at one of the highest rates in the district. We are also a top performing ECE school, receiving a 4 out of 5 stars through Colorado Shines for academic excellence and developing early childhood development.
We are home to a diverse community, welcoming students from across the globe who speak over 26 different languages and represent over 50 countries. We are home to an active student council program which provides students with hands-on civic leadership skills and opportunities to REACH Out and serve their peers and community.
At Highline we strive to meet every learner where they are and inspire them to discover who they can become. Together with our founding families and staff, we welcome you to REACH with us for academic, personal and civic excellence.
If you are interested in scheduling a tour to learn more about Highline, please email Tamara Garcia.
Highline Northeast School Compact
Highline Academy Northeast - 2024-2025 School Compact
Highline Academy Northeast - Title I Annual Parent Meeting
Highline Academy Northeast - 2024-2025 School Compact
Under No Child Left Behind, each Title I school develops a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students share the responsibility for improving student academic achievement and the way in which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State’s high standards. The following are the 2023-2024 Commitments.
Highline Academy will…
Ensure an exceptional and effective learning environment that prioritizes safety, equity, and empowers students to achieve proficiency in the Common Core State Standards.
Foster consistent and open communication channels between teachers and parents/guardians, utilizing student led conferences and regular updates to ensure a strong partnership in the child's education
Cultivate meaningful relationships with families and the community to empower them as active educational collaborators in their child's learning journey
Encourage parental involvement by creating avenues for volunteering and active participation in school events and initiatives
Offer educational sessions for parents to deepen their understanding of their child's academic and social emotional growth
Cultivate a culture of mutual respect among students, family members, teachers, and volunteers to enhance the learning environment
Ensure dedicated support and services, as mandated by state and federal law, to cater to the unique needs of students with disabilities and multilingual learners, fostering an inclusive and equitable educational experience
Commit to establishing a structured framework that clarifies expectations by leveraging our Conscious Discipline and REACH programs. The Conscious Discipline program equips students to establish a safe environment, while the REACH program guides us in recognizing and rewarding their achievements to develop civic leaders.
Demonstrate unwavering dedication to fostering an anti-racist environment within our educational community, promoting equity, understanding, and active measures to dismantle systemic biases and discrimination
As a Highline parent/guardian, I will…
Prioritize my child's education by ensuring they receive adequate rest, proper nutrition, and attend school punctually and consistently
Maintain open and respectful communication with teachers to stay informed about your child's progress, assignments, and any concerns you may have.
Attend student led conferences and school events to discuss your child's performance and understand their educational needs
Attend Parents With Purpose monthly meetings to stay informed about parent engagement initiatives.
Participate in school events and community meetings.
Volunteer to chaperone field trips, assist with school projects, or support extracurricular activities whenever possible
Create a conducive learning environment at home to support your child with their homework and studies and help your child establish good homework habits
Encourage a positive and respectful school culture by modeling appropriate behavior and fostering an environment of inclusivity and understanding
Support anti-bullying initiatives and character-building programs within the school
Attend informational sessions and workshops organized by the school to enhance your understanding of the educational system and strategies to support your child at home
As a Highline student, I will…
Choose to show kindness and understanding to all members of our school family, valuing our unique differences. By promoting inclusivity and respect, I contribute to a safe environment where everyone feels loved and accepted
I will courageously communicate my concerns to a trusted adult, if I observe unsafe behavior, bullying, or anything suspicious, ensuring the safety of our school family
Proudly follow the behavioral expectations of REACH (Responsibility, Empowerment, Aspiration, Citizenship, Honesty) which are taught at our school
I will push myself academically to achieve proficiency on the Common Core State Standards
Reach In
I will learn from my mistakes.
I will respectfully express myself.
I will come to school and class ready to learn.
I will learn when to ask for help.
Reach Out
I will be safe.
I will take care of my classroom space.
I will spread peace by standing up for myself and others.
I will help, support, and contribute to our community.
I will allow my teacher to teach and my classmates to learn.
Reach Up
I will try my best
I will have the courage to take risks.
I will actively participate.
I will complete all tasks to the best of my ability.
I will follow directions the first time given.
Highline Academy Northeast - Pacto Escolar del 24-25
Bajo Ningún niño se queda atrás, cada escuela de Título I desarrolla un pacto entre la escuela y los padres que describe cómo los padres, todo el personal escolar y los estudiantes comparten la responsabilidad de mejorar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes y la forma en que la escuela y los padres construirán y desarrollarán una alianza para ayudar a los niños a alcanzar altos estándares del Estado. Los siguientes son los compromisos que haremos como escuela este año escolar 2024-2025.
La Academia Highline se compromete a...
Garantizar un entorno de aprendizaje excepcional y eficaz que priorice la seguridad, la equidad y capacite a los estudiantes para lograr el dominio de los Estándares Estatales Académicos
Fomentar canales de comunicación consistentes y abiertos entre maestros y padres/tutores, utilizando conferencias dirigidas por estudiantes y actualizaciones semanales a través de Talking Points para garantizar una asociación sólida en la educación del niño.
Cultivar relaciones significativas con las familias y la comunidad para empoderarlos como colaboradores educativos activos en el viaje de aprendizaje de sus hijos.
Fomentar la participación de los padres mediante la creación de vías para el voluntariado y la participación activa en eventos e iniciativas escolares.
Ofrecer sesiones educativas para que los padres profundicen su comprensión del crecimiento académico y socioemocional de sus hijos.
Cultivar una cultura de respeto mutuo entre estudiantes, familiares, maestros y voluntarios para mejorar el ambiente de aprendizaje.
Garantizar apoyo y servicios dedicados, según lo dispuesto por las leyes estatales y federales, para atender las necesidades únicas de los estudiantes con discapacidades y estudiantes multilingües, fomentando una experiencia educativa inclusiva y equitativa.
Comprometerse a establecer un marco estructurado que aclare las expectativas aprovechando nuestros programas Conscious Discipline y REACH. El programa Disciplina Consciente equipa a los estudiantes para establecer un entorno seguro, mientras que el programa REACH nos guía para reconocer y recompensar sus logros para desarrollar líderes cívicos.
Demostrar dedicación inquebrantable para fomentar un ambiente antirracista dentro de nuestra comunidad educativa, promoviendo la equidad, la comprensión y medidas activas para desmantelar los prejuicios sistémicos y la discriminación.
Como padre/tutor de Highline, yo voy a...
Priorizar la educación de mi hijo asegurándome de que reciba un descanso adecuado, una nutrición adecuada y asista a la escuela de manera puntual y constante.
Mantener una comunicación abierta y respetuosa con los maestros para mantenerse informado sobre el progreso de su hijo, las tareas y cualquier inquietud que pueda tener.
Asistir a conferencias dirigidas por estudiantes y eventos escolares para analizar el desempeño de su hijo y comprender sus necesidades educativas.
Leer la comunicación escolar (boletín informativo de nivel de grado, boletín escolar, puntos de conversación)
Asistir a las reuniones mensuales de Padres con Propósito para mantenerse informado sobre las iniciativas de participación de los padres.
Participar en eventos escolares y reuniones comunitarias.
Ser voluntario para acompañar excursiones, ayudar con proyectos escolares o apoyar actividades extracurriculares siempre que sea posible.
Crear un ambiente de aprendizaje propicio en casa para apoyar a su hijo con sus tareas y estudios y ayudarlo a establecer buenos hábitos de tarea.
Fomentar una cultura escolar positiva y respetuosa modelando un comportamiento apropiado y fomentando un ambiente de inclusión y comprensión.
Apoyar iniciativas contra el ‘bullying' y programas de desarrollo del carácter cívico dentro de la escuela.
Asistir a sesiones informativas y talleres organizados por la escuela para mejorar su comprensión del sistema educativo y las estrategias para apoyar a su hijo en casa.
Como estudiante de Highline, yo...
Elijo mostrar amabilidad y comprensión a todos los miembros de nuestra familia escolar, valorando nuestras diferencias únicas. Al promover la inclusión y el respeto, contribuyo a un entorno seguro donde todos se sienten amados y aceptados.
Comunicaré con valentía mis inquietudes a un adulto de confianza, si observo un comportamiento inseguro, acoso o cualquier cosa sospechosa, garantizando la seguridad de nuestra familia escolar.
Mostrar con orgullo las expectativas de comportamiento de REACH (Responsabilidad, Empoderamiento, Aspiración, Ciudadanía, Honestidad) que se enseñan en nuestra escuela.
Me esforzaré académicamente para lograr competencia en los Estándares Estatales Básicos Comunes
REACH IN para alcanzar excelencia personal
Aprenderé de mis errores.
Me expresaré respetuosamente.
Vendré a la escuela y a clase listo para aprender.
Aprenderé cuándo pedir ayuda.
REACH OUT para alcanzar excelencia cívica
Estaré a salvo comportándome de manera segura
Cuidaré el espacio de mi salón de clases
Difundiré la paz defendiéndome a mí y a los demás
Ayudaré, apoyaré y contribuiré a nuestra comunidad
Permitiré a mi maestro enseñar y mis compañeros aprender
REACH UP para alcanzar excelencia académica
Haré lo mejor que pueda en mi trabajo
Tendré el coraje de correr riesgos
Participaré activamente en clase
Completaré todas las tareas lo mejor que pueda
Seguiré las instrucciones la primera vez que mis maestros me lo indiquen
School Supply List
Uniform Information
At Highline Academy Northeast we believe that school uniforms help promote respect for self and others, build school and community spirit, and help minimize disruptive behavior. On some days the school will designate non-uniform “dress down” days. Those dates will be announced in advance and posted in the monthly calendar.
- The shirts are $10 each and are printed with the Highline Academy logo
- May be purchased in the main office/spirit store
- Tops will be available for purchase at registration and sold year-round
- Long-sleeved undershirts, if worn, must be solid colored
- Spirit and REACH shirts may be worn any day, colors vary
- Khaki and Navy Blue Only
- Trousers, shorts, skirtalls, skirts, skorts, and capris are acceptable.
- Leggings of any color are allowed ONLY under an appropriate bottom
- No denim of any color, side pocketed-cargo style trousers, or shorts
- Highline Academy sweatshirts may be purchased in the main office for $15 each
- Highline Academy zip-ups may be purchased in the main office for $18 each
Any coat may be worn to and from school, and at recess, but outdoor jackets may not be worn in the classroom.
Spirit Store Website:
- No jeans (except on dress-down days)
- No cargo shorts or cargo pants
- No short shorts or skirts (must be below fingertips)
- No spaghetti straps or crop tops
- No athletic apparel (basketball shorts, yoga pants. etc)
- No slippers, slides, or flip-flops.
***Classroom teachers and administrators will make final decisions regarding uniform issues.***
Medication at School
Whenever possible, children should be given medication at home. HA encourages parents to work with their doctors to prescribe dosages that can be given at home rather than at school. However, if a child must be given medication during the school day, it must be given by a registered nurse, or someone under the direction and supervision of a registered nurse.
The State Board of Nursing requires certain procedures be adhered to when a child must take medication at school, whether it is prescription or non prescription medication. Only middle and high school aged students may carry and self administer their own medication if authorized in writing to do so by the physician, and their parents, and have submitted a written request to the school nurse. The school nurse must concur that the child can safely self administer his or her own medication.
The school must have a signed DPS medication form that clearly states the name of the medication and the exact time it is to be administered at school. The school must also have the physician's signed medication form, which matches instructions on the medicine container. This requirement applies to both prescription and non prescription medication. Prescription medication must be in its original pharmacy labeled container, which clearly shows the name of the prescribing physician, the child’s name, the name of the medication, the time it is to be administered, and dosage. Over the counter medication including Ibrupefen, Tylenol, and cough drops are not allowed to be carried by any student without proper paperwork in the health office. Non prescription medication must also be in its original container. Dosages, which require a tablet or pill to be split, must be split by the pharmacist. School staff may not split tablets or pills. If the dosage requirement changes, a new medication form must be completed and the medication container label must match the new instructions.
REMINDER - Immunization Letters to Parents
By February 15, per Colorado Board of Health rule 6 CCR 1009-2, schools and child care centers are required to directly distribute the Annual Parent Letter to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of every enrolled student.
Schools and child cares are required to include the school's specific immunization and exemption rates for the MMR vaccine for the school's enrolled student population from the prior school year (2022-23)
School and child cares may include the school's specific immunization and exemption rates for other school-required vaccines for the school's enrolled student population from the prior school year (2022-23)
Rates from the 2022-23 school year are located on the Department’s public immunization data dashboard.
The Annual Parent Letters are available on the Department’s website in English, Spanish, Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, French, Karen, Korean, Russian, Somali, Thai, and Vietnamese.
Child care resources page (for child care, preschools, and Head Start).
School resources page (for K-12th grade).
Medication Forms:
Nursing and Student Health Services | Student Equity and Opportunity (
Discipline Policy
FAQ For Families
24-25 Black Excellence Plan
School Bus Schedule
04/12/2024 - Highline Academy Northeast Newsletter 4.12.24
04/05/2024 - Highline Academy Northeast Newsletter 4.3.24
03/22/2024 - Highline Academy Northeast Newsletter 3.22.24
03/08/2024 - Highline Academy Northeast Newsletter 3.8.24
03/01/2024 - Highline Academy Northeast Newsletter 3.1.24
02/23/2024 - Highline Academy Northeast Newsletter 2.23.24
02/16/2024 - Highline Academy Northeast Newsletter 2.16.24
02/09/2024 - Highline Academy Northeast Newsletter 2.9.24
02/02/2024 - Highline Academy Northeast Newsletter 2.2.24
01/26/2024 - Highline Academy Northeast Newsletter 1.26.24
After School EnREACHment
Fall- Session 1 will start on Monday September 23rd. All classes are held from 4-5pm.
This session will run from September 23- November 21, 2024.
Monday classes will run for 8 weeks. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday classes will run for 9 weeks. No Friday classes.
For more information:
Before & After School Care
Before & After School Care
Rocky Mountain Kids (RMK) is a Colorado-born, Veteran-owned, State licensed childcare provider bringing safe, fun, and affordable before-school, after-school, and full-day care options to Colorado year-round since 2016! At RMK, we employ our own proprietary curriculum, called WILD, focusing on engaging each child's practice and understanding in four core competencies: Wellness, Imagination, Learning, and Diversity.
We serve each partner in the way that best meets their community needs. Our licensed services include school-age before-school care, school-age after-school care, school-age full-day care, early childhood education programs, and remote learning facilitation programs. Summer full-day programs include multiple field trips a week to various locations throughout the city.
For more information or to enroll your child/ren please visit us online at
If you have any specific questions about billing or scheduling care please email us at or call us by phone at (720) 877-5765.
For questions regarding programming or onsite operations for the School-Aged or ECE program, please email our Program Director at
Gifted and Talented Program
Highline Academy Northeast Programming Plan 2023-2024
At Highline Academy Northeast, we are committed to fostering a diverse and equitable community of youth and adults, striving together for academic, personal, and civic excellence. We are dedicated to the continuous development of our Gifted and Talented programming and talent pool, in order to create a community of self-motivated learners who not only REACH IN and develop the skills necessary to achieve their social and emotional goals but also REACH UP to meet their individual academic goals. These students are able to REACH OUT and lead by example in our school family as well as the community at large. Students identified as gifted or highly gifted will have specific academic and social-emotional goals outlined in their Advance Learning Plans while students in the talent pool work toward full identification.
We work together to foster an environment of acceptance and belonging that encourages students to take academic risks, express their authentic nature, and develop their unique skill sets and interests. Students are provided with both in-class differentiated instruction and small-group instruction in weekly cohort meetings. We work collaboratively with grade-level educators and provide multiple professional development opportunities over the course of the year. We work with our students’ families, communicating through Talking Points and updates in the Highline newsletter. We strive to challenge, support and encourage students to become their best selves and positively impact their communities.
If you have any additional questions about our Northeast campus Gifted and Talented program, please contact Ms. Leah Gerig at
Special Education Information
Highline Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, transgender status, religion, national origin, immigration/citizenship status, ancestry, age, marital status, pregnancy status, veteran status, disability, genetic information, or any other basis on which discrimination is prohibited by law. Highline Academy serves students with disabilities and multilingual learners and provides services to students as required by state and federal law. Highline Academy participates in the Denver Public Schools SchoolChoice system and we encourage all students to apply.
Like all charter schools, Highline Academy is a public school. Highline Academy serves students with disabilities and multilingual learners and provides services to students as required by state and federal law. Charter schools are subject to all federal and state laws and constitutional provisions prohibiting discrimination. Laws applicable to students with disabilities include the individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Our charter contract with Denver Public Schools prohibits discrimination based on race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, religion, national origin, immigration/citizenship status, ancestry, age, marital status, pregnancy status, veteran status, disability, genetic information, or any other basis on which discrimination is prohibited by law.
In most cases, the services required by a student with disabilities can be provided at Highline Academy. As a part of Denver Public Schools, we participate in a district-wide system of center-based programs. Each student's IEP team is responsible for determining the student's special education placement, including services and educational setting; in some cases, the services and setting determined by the student's IEP team may only be available in a center-based program on a different campus, in which case the district may determine that the IEP should be implemented in an alternate location. Under IDEA and Section 504, students with disabilities are entitled to a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). The services a student requires under IDEA are described in an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Under Colorado law (Exceptional Children’s Educational Act), the provision of FAPE and specific services required by a student’s IEP are a joint responsibility of the charter school and their authorizer, in our case, Denver Public Schools.
For more information, please visit the DPS SchoolChoice website.
Title IX Information
Access our Title IX information, policies and procedures here
For filing a grievance/complaint form please contact HR Consultant, Sara Taylor.